Saturday, January 24, 2009

The train lover

Hudson loves trains. This train is at Gramma Lynda's. Hudson played with it with his cousins, Tate and Reagan and his Uncle Clint. Any train he sees he says choo-choo, truly there is not cuter kid. I wish there were sound on this video, because Hudson was screeching! He truly was having the best time with this train. I think we know what he needs next.

The Rodeo

We had so much fun with Candice and KC in Las Vegas. We met a couple of celebrities, like the Chief from Grey's Anatomy, and saw Tuff Hedeman. We were backstage the last night and met a couple of the contestants and their family members. KC met up with a couple of his major sponsors, Montana Silversmiths and Bloomer Trailers. They seem to get some great first class treatment! The bull ride was the best one that night we watched. Cory had never been to the NFR, but I think the the last night we were there, Saturday was the best rodeo we saw. We saw a couple different singers, one that sings "Chicken-Fried (country-fried)" which we had to come home and buy because Cory absolutely loved it. We had an awesome time, but missed Hudson like crazy. He had fun with Gramma Lynda riding the Polar Express with his cousins, Tate and Reagan. We stayed at the Stratosphere, went to the couple different Cowboy Christmas', went bowling and ate some great food. By the way after 11 or 12 bowling was only a dollar and we had to stay and play 4-5 rounds so that I could score more than a 100. KC had to bow out the last game, but I ended up getting the best score out of every one! We plan on this type of trip happening again, we had a super time.

Fashion Show

While Cory and I were in Las Vegas for the National Finals Rodeo I was invited to a fashion show with Candice. We sat with a couple of Harlequin romance novelists. We were given a bag with a Wrangler shirt, a romance novel (signed by the author of course, who sat right next to me), a whiskey glass, and some other brochures. I don't think I have seen so much glitz and glamour associated with cowboys! It was a great experience.

Lights on Temple Square

Hudson really enjoyed the light on Temple Square. He wanted to talk to every single stroller we walked by. He is really into babies. No we are not pregnant that is not what this post is implying. He is just really cute! We also went to Gardner's Country Village near Salt Lake. That was a lot of fun to see.

Grease Lightning

This is the car that starred in the local High School's musical "Grease". I told many of you out there that I would post a picture. I know I am very behind. I will try to catch up.

FYI: This is a 1968 Plymouth Fury III.